Neck Lift Surgery in London
As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, causing it to wrinkle and sag. The neck often is the first part of the body to show signs of aging.
Neck lift treatment can improve visible signs of aging of the neck, reducing the appearance of sagging or loose skin.
At the London Health Clinics, our world class surgeons specialise in a minimally invasive neck lift, which includes Platysmaplasty surgery and placement of My Ellevate system, and is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging of the neck.
The My Ellevate procedure is used to lift and shape the chin and neck. This is a less invasive approach which does not require extensive surgery, unlike traditional neck surgery, therefore shortening surgery time, and accelerating healing process.
The result is a smoother, more defined and contoured neck.
Platysmaplasty surgery and My Ellevate can be performed alone, or in conjunction with other procedures, such as: suction-assisted lipectomy of the neck (neck liposuction), energy-based treatments, facelift surgery, eyelid surgery, chin augmentation surgery, or nasal surgery, etc.