What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift procedure aims to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck area and restore a more youthful and rejuvenated neck area.The minimally invasive Neck Lift, which includes Platysmaplasty surgery and placement of My Ellevate system, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging of the neck.

What does it involve?

The unique method and instruments allow the placement of a suture “lattice” similar to a shoelace that spans the entire region underneath the jaw line. This support system is created by weaving suture material under the skin through a series of small punctures. The placement of the suture strands is guided by LED light illumination of the suture needle. Once the lacing is completed, the suture is tightened and secured thus resulting in the lifting and smoothing of the neck skin and underlying muscles and glands simultaneously.

Why have this Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a highly effective cosmetic procedure for both men and women to restore a youthful appearance to the neck, and rejuvenate an individual’s overall appearance, with long-lasting results. Whilst the face will continue to gradually age with the passage of time following the procedure, it will do so from this newly rejuvenated point.

Suture suspension combining the percutaneous Platysmaplasty and placement of the My Ellevate procedure is a less-invasive approach to approximate and elevate the underlying muscles and glands of the neck that does not require an incision under the chin. It also does not require extensive surgery including the opening of the neck, repositioning of muscles and at times the removal of portions of muscles and glands.

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Who is suitable?

The specialist plastic surgeon will consider individuals fit for the procedure.

  • Good psychological and physical medical health.
  • Ideal body weight.
  • Positive outlook and realistic expectations of what can be achieved via surgery.
  • You are seeking to rejuvenate the appearance of your neck.
  • You are seeking to restore the contours of your neck.
  • Long lasting, noticeable rejuvenation results.

The best candidates for suture suspension platysmaplasty surgery have a neck/neckline with prominent “bands”, accumulation of subplatysmal fat, and a weakening and sagging of the platysma muscle.

Frequently Asked questions about Neck Lift Surgery

Yes, you will able to see before and photographs during the consultation with Mr Syed. We do not post high definition photographs of our patients to respect their privacy and prevent any misuse.
It is a relatively safe procedure with very few serious complications like Infection, bleeding, asymmetry and persistent tethering of the skin of the neck. These will be discussed in further detail during the consultation.
Like with any surgical procedure there are risks and each of these will be discussed in detail during the consultation.
The superficial wounds would heal by 10-14 days. During this period, we advise to refrain from strenuous activities although you can undertake most office-based activities.
The results are expected to last up to five years or longer on average. Your individual results are specific to your condition and may vary.  
Typically, you will have one detailed consultation and a second consult to clarify if there are any further queries. The procedure is typically undertaken at least 2 weeks after first consultation.
It is not possible to define success and failure in this procedure. You are expected to see an improvement in the overall appearance of the neck - this is variable dependent on the nature of the concern at the start of the procedure. Your improvements will be discussed in detail in your post-op follow up appointment and schedule for the maintenance will be suggested to help increase the longevity of the outcomes.
Mr Syed has been directly trained by Mr Mueller - the surgeon from Beverley Hills who invented the procedure. Mr Syed is the designated trainer for the surgeons around the UK, Europe and has undertaken a number of operative and cadaveric training surgeons.  These sessions are undertaken on a monthly basis. Outside of these as well, Mr Syed undertakes these procedures around London and Essex at a number of different locations. 
You will experience pain after your surgery.  Pain of varying intensity and duration may occur and persist after surgery.  Chronic pain may occur very infrequently from nerves becoming trapped in scar tissue or due to tissue stretching.
This depends on the nature of your work. Most office-based duties can be resumed after the first 3 days. If the work involves strenuous activities, we would suggest planning to refrain for 10-14 days. Additionally collar and facial garment is advised to be worn for 24/7 for the first 3 days and at least for the night time for another 7 days.
The effects of the sun are damaging to the skin. Exposing the treated areas to sun may result in increased scarring, colour changes, and poor healing. Patients who tan, either outdoors or in a salon, should inform their surgeon and either delay treatment, or avoid tanning until the surgeon says it is safe to resume. The damaging effect of sun exposure occurs even with the use sun block or clothing coverage.
After the first consultation you will be given information sheet which will cover these topics. 
Surgery involves coagulating of blood vessels and increased activity of any kind may open these vessels leading to a bleed, or hematoma.  Activity that increases your pulse or heart rate may cause additional bruising, swelling, and the need for return to surgery to control bleeding.  It is wise to refrain from physical and intimate activities until your physician states it is safe.
You will notice the difference from about 10 days and will continue to see improvement up to 3 months.
There is the possibility of a poor result from the Platysmaplasty Surgery.  This would include risks such as unacceptable scarring, wound disruption and loss of sensation.  You may be disappointed with the results of surgery.  There is also a 5% risk that when combined with energy-based skin tightening the skin may not contract an adequate amount after a period of 1 year.  If this occurs the patient may require more surgery to remove some of the redundant excess skin that did not respond to the energy-based tightening.  Subsequent surgery would be at the expense of the patient. There is no way to absolutely predict who will not respond to energy-based tightening.
It will have an improved appearance. You may feel some tightness internally to start with; however, this eases with time as the body acclimatises to it. We advise you maintain the skin, using a customised regimen which we are able to recommend.  

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  • Neck Lift Scars
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  • Neck Lift Side Effects

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