Breast Augmentation

Breast Enlargement or Augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the UK. The Breast enlargement procedure is performed under General Anesthetic. This is performed by placing breast implants between the breast tissue and chest muscle or behind the chest muscle depending on the patient's expectation or the amount of breast tissue present. This can also be done by using the body's own fat cells from different parts of the body and transferring them to the breast. The Breast enlargement procedure is done to increase the fullness or size and improve the shape of their breasts and to enhance their overall appearance. Some women are naturally flat chested and want bigger breasts, while others lose volume from their breasts following pregnancy or weight loss.

Preparing for your Breast Enlargement Surgery

The majority of Breast Enlargement or Breast Augmentation require a general anesthetic. Your health is of prime importance and any cosmetic surgery should be postponed if you are unwell for any reason. It is important that if anything changes to your health that you make contact with us. You should ideally stop smoking 6 weeks prior to surgery and stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements before surgery. You may need preoperative tests prior to surgery, which we will arrange if required.

Post operative activities

  • First week- minimal upper body activities
  • After first week normal daily activities including driving but no excessive stretching of arms.
  • 6 weeks onwards- all activities

Do's and Don'ts after Breast Augmentation/Enlargement Surgery

Breast Augmentation/Enlargement is a major surgical procedure and requires some preparation to ensure everything goes perfectly. Your doctor may provide a list of dos and don'ts to be followed after surgery to recover:

  • Do take plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Do take your pain medication exactly as prescribed.
  • Do eat healthy snacks to promote your healing.
  • Do contact your doctor if you have any concerns about infection or other complications.
  • Do plan to take at least a week off work, school and/or your regular household duties so you can relax and recover.
  • Do avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking your pain medication as mixing both can cause dangerous side effects.
  • Don't resume rigorous exercise until your doctor tells you, about 4-6 weeks.
  • Don't drive until you feel ready and have stopped taking a narcotic, about 1-2 weeks.
  • Don't shower for 2-3 days, and avoid soaking in baths and pools for at least 2 weeks.
  • Don't lift over 5 pounds or bend over to lift objects for several weeks.
  • Don't smoke or use tobacco products, since they are known to impede healing.
  • Don't skip any appointments with Dr Siddiqui as he will carefully monitor your healing process after breast augmentation surgery.
  • Don't smoke or use any tobacco products.

  • For more suggestions and better guidance, you may contact our expert, Mr MOBINULLA SYED, a consultant cosmetic and plastic surgeon.

Book An Appointment

Is Breast Augmentation Surgery right for you?

Feeling good about the way you look is important - it can increase self-esteem and boost confidence. The decision to have breast enlargement or breast augmentation surgery requires careful thought and consideration. Breast implants give the best results for women who are healthy and emotionally stable. Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, involves using breast implants or fat transfer or a combination of both to increase the size of your breasts. This can be because your breasts have gotten smaller after weight loss or a pregnancy, or simply because you want larger breasts.

How long will it take to recover after Breast Augmentation Surgery?

The recovery period after breast augmentation surgery generally takes 6 to 8 weeks. The length of your recovery period will be determined by your health, how quickly you heal, and the placement of the implants. Your age may also be a factor in the speed of your recovery. The vast majority of women are free to return to all normal activities about 2 months after the surgery, including normal exercise and intimate activity.

Is Breast Augmentation a major surgery?

Breast augmentation is considered to be a major surgery, but many patients report a reduced need for opioid painkillers after under-the-muscle breast augmentation and rarely request for revision surgery after healing is complete. They also experience less scarring as under-the-muscle breast augmentation is minimally invasive and, therefore, it does not require an extensive healing period. That's why it is recommended to the vast majority of patients.

Advantages of Breast Enlargement Surgery

A successful breast enlargement surgery helps in the following ways:

  • Enhance the size and shape of breasts
  • Gives breast cancer survivor a chance to regain confidence
  • Minimal invasive with less trauma to breasts
  • Boosts confidence and offer more clothing options
Risk and potential complications of Breast Implants
  • Capsular Contracture - It is the hardening of the breast around the implant. It can occur in the tissue surrounding one or both implants. This hardening causes the tissue to tighten, which can be painful. Treatment can involve either removal or 'scoring' of the scar tissue or the removal or replacement of the implant. The rates of capsular contraction are low compared with nano textured implants we use generally.
  • Rupture and Deflation - A Rupture is a tear or hole in the outer shell of the breast implant. Rupture can be caused by injury or even from the normal compression and movement of your breast and implant, causing the shell to leak. If a break occurs in a gel-filled implant, however, one of two things may occur. If the shell breaks but the scar capsule around the implant does not, you may not detect any change. If the scar also breaks or tears, especially following extreme pressure, silicone gel may move into the surrounding tissue. The gel may collect in the breast and cause a new scar to form around it, or it may migrate. There may be a change in the shape or firmness of the breast. Both types of break will require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant. In some cases, it may not be possible to remove every particle of the silicone gel in the breast tissue if a rupture occurs.
  • Scleroderma and Arthritis - A few women with breast implants have reported symptoms similar to diseases of the immune system, such as scleroderma and other arthritis-like conditions. These symptoms may include joint pain or swelling, fever, fatigue, or breast pain. Research has found no clear link between the silicone breast implant and the symptoms of what doctors refer to as 'connective-tissue disorders'.
  • Connective Tissue Disease, Breast Cancer, and Reproductive Problems - There is no evidence that breast implants cause breast cancer, they may change the way mammography is done to detect cancer. Ultrasound examinations may be of benefit to some women with implants to detect breast lumps or to evaluate an implant.
Is Breast Augmentation reversible?

Yes, a plastic surgeon can remove your implants through breast implant removal surgery. This procedure can be done for the following :

  • Removing the original breast implants and replacing them with new implants.
  • Repositioning the existing breast implants.
  • Removing the breast implants without replacing them.
Best age for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a major surgery, so Dr. Siddiqui recommends waiting until 18 for women and older using saline breast implants and the minimum age for women who would like to go for silicone breast implants is 22. There are many good reasons to wait until your breasts have reached maturity before electing breast augmentation, and you will get better results that last longer if you wait until that time.

Results of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of your breasts. The surgery might improve your body image and self-esteem. But keep your expectations realistic, and don't expect perfection.

Weight gain or weight loss might change the way your breasts look, too. If you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you might need more surgery to correct these problems. Also, your breasts will continue to age after augmentation.

Frequently Asked questions about Breast Augmentation Surgery

Women whose breasts are abnormally small often say that they do not feel feminine and are ashamed of the boyish appearance of their chests. They are unable to wear underclothes or swimwear of their choice and inhibited about going out on beach holidays or swimming, as they feel self-conscious whilst wearing evening wear or strappy summer clothes. Women feel a lack of confidence in their work environment and in their personal relationships and therefore wish to have surgery to correct this problem. Most women who have had children and have breast-fed or have lost significant weight are unhappy about the loss of volume and emptiness in the upper part of the breast.
It is advisable to discuss with your surgeon what is a reasonable size in terms of your height and body shape and your expectations before you undergo surgery. It is not possible to predict with absolute accuracy the cup size that an individual patient is likely to be after this procedure. Your surgeon will endeavour to give you a result appropriate for your height and build, while keeping your preferences in mind.
Breast enlargement is performed under general anaesthetic and may involve one or two nights stay in hospital. With some patients it may be possible to carry out the procedure as a day case. A tube drain is inserted into each breast to remove any blood fluid that may have collected around the implant. This tube drain is normally removed within 24 to 48 hours and the patient is allowed home in a supportive soft brassiere.
Following surgery there is some discomfort, which is more than adequately treated by painkillers. The breast can be bruised and swollen and appears larger in the first few days after surgery than the eventual size. In approximately six weeks the swelling and bruising settles to a large extent and the final shape of the breast becomes evident.
A small dressing is applied to the suture line in the crease underneath the breast. Most patients are able to shower and change the dressing themselves everyday at home. An outpatient appointment is made for removal of sutures approximately one week after surgery. A review appointment is usually offered one to three months after the operation.
Numerous ladies in their 40s and 50s have successfully undergone breast augmentation surgery. A woman in her 30s with two children who has been considering this surgery for a long time is the most common patient for this procedure. We urge you to set up a consultation to determine the best course for achieving your cosmetic objectives, regardless of where you are in life.
For more information, Book A Free Consulation with Mr M Syed.
Regardless whether a woman has implants or not, pregnancy will alter the size and form of her breasts. Any enhanced breast's appearance could be negatively impacted by these modifications. Pregnancy should be delayed for six months following surgery. It is still feasible and safe for the mother and child to breastfeed while wearing implants.
For more information about this, Book A Free Consulation with Mr M Syed.
It is advised that following surgery, patients start walking right away. But after the surgery, women shouldn't engage in any strenuous physical activity for six weeks. Weightlifting, riding, jogging, and other strenuous physical activity might cause implants to shift or cause issues with wound healing, which can change how the breasts look after surgery.
One week following surgery, women may begin driving a car as long as they are not taking any painkillers.
Patients undergoing augmentation may occasionally need additional operations. You might want to have further breast lifts or other supportive operations to get the best possible symmetry. If you experience any issues following your augmentation, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture, more operations can be required. Furthermore, implanted breasts age just like any other body part, and some women decide to undergo further surgeries in the future to reverse the effects of ageing and gravity. You should talk with your surgeon about the potential for follow-up operations following breast augmentation during your appointment.
When considering this operation, ladies ask this question more than any other. Numerous studies have demonstrated that women who receive implants do not have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Furthermore, implants don't stop breast cancer from being discovered later. Implants do not prevent a patient or their doctor from detecting breast tumours, according to a plethora of studies and data from the National Cancer Institute. Lastly, women with implants had the same likelihood of achieving a 5-year cancer-free remission as those without implants if they do develop breast cancer.
For more information, Book a free of charge Cosultation with Mr M Syed.

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  • Breast Augmentation Procedure
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery
  • Breast Augmentation Risks
  • Breast Augmentation Benefits
  • Breast Augmentation Before and After
  • Breast Augmentation Consultation
  • Breast Augmentation Candidates
  • Breast Augmentation Incisions
  • Breast Augmentation Techniques
  • Breast Augmentation Implants
  • Breast Augmentation Scars
  • Breast Augmentation Surgery
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Time
  • Breast Augmentation Results
  • Breast Augmentation Photos
  • Breast Augmentation Complications
  • Breast Augmentation Aftercare
  • Breast Augmentation Cost Breakdown
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeframe Off Work

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  • Breast Augmentation Types
  • Breast Augmentation Consultation Questions
  • Breast Augmentation Surgery Near Me
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips
  • Breast Augmentation Preparation
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Exercises
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Swelling
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Massage
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Bra
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  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Sleeping Position
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Scars
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Compression Garment
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Shower
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Care
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Stages
  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Numbness

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