Face/Body Rejuvenation

Laser Facial and Body Rejuvenation uses a powerful light beam to deliver thermal energy to your skin. A laser beam allows you to directly target problem skin areas, such as lines around your eyes or mouth, but it can also be used to treat larger areas of your body and face. While the thought of heating your skin may make you nervous, there is no need to be concerned because it does not damage your skin cells and instead promotes new skin growth. This is due to the way laser therapy for facial and body rejuvenation works beneath your skin's epidermis to generate new collagen.

Cosmetic laser therapy is an excellent non-surgical treatment option for rejuvenating the appearance of the skin on your face and body. Laser rejuvenation allows you to firm and tighten areas of your skin that have been damaged by the sun, have scarring, or are simply ageing. Laser treatment promotes collagen production by targeting specific areas of your face and body, allowing your skin cells to repair themselves naturally to create a more youthful and fresh appearance.

Here are some few of the skin improvements you can achieve with laser rejuvenation:

  • Enhanced skin tone
  • Reduced appearance of facial veins, burst blood vessels and rosacea
  • Reduction of facial lines and wrinkles
  • Treating sun damaged skin such as age spots and hyperpigmentation
  • Smoother skin that appears revitalised

Benefits of Laser Rejuvenation

Laser skin rejuvenation can address a variety of skin concerns and offers the following aesthetic benefits:

  • Improved skin tone and texture
  • Reduced pore sizes
  • Improved appearance of acne scarring, liver spots and age spots
  • Younger-looking, healthier skin
  • Smooths out wrinkles and fine lines

Laser skin rejuvenation can be used to treat areas of the neck and face, including the delicate skin around the eyes and mouth.

Who is a good candidate for Laser Skin resurfacing?

You may be an ideal candidate for laser skin resurfacing if you have:

  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Age spots, liver spots
  • Uneven skin pigmentation
  • Skin scars or birthmarks
  • Scars from acne or chickenpox
  • Enlarged oil glands on your nose
  • Non-responsive skin after a facelift
  • Fine lines or wrinkles around or under the eyes, forehead or mouth

You may not be a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing if you have:

  • Active acne
  • Very dark skin
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Excessive or sagging skin

Book An Appointment

How should I prepare for Laser Skin resurfacing?
  • Avoid tanning and excessive sun exposure for four weeks before treatment, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day.
  • For four weeks before treatment, avoid deep facial peel procedures (for example, strong chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion).
  • Do not use photosensitive medications (such as doxycycline or minocycline) for at least 72 hours before treatment.
  • Let your doctor know if you have a history of herpes (oral cold sores, genital) or shingles in the treatment area, and begin your antiviral medication (valacyclovir, acyclovir) as directed (usually two days before treatment and continue for three days after treatment).
  • You may be asked to apply a topical retinoid to your skin four weeks before your procedure to prepare it for laser resurfacing.
How should I take care of my skin after laser resurfacing?
  • Your skin will be red, sensitive, and sunburned immediately following treatment. It is possible that the redness, swelling, itching, or stinging will last for a few days. Depending on the treatment, the skin may become raw, ooze a yellow liquid, or blister. Scratching or picking at crusted skin can result in scarring and infection.
  • Your skin will become dry and peel five to seven days after laser resurfacing. Your new skin will appear pink at first. Over the next two to three months, it should gradually lighten.
  • As directed by your doctor, cleanse the treatment area two to five times per day.
  • Sleep on an extra pillow at night to help reduce the swelling for the first four days after the procedure.
  • During the first 24 to 48 hours, apply a cool compress or a wrapped ice pack for 15 minutes every one to two hours as needed.
  • Twice a day, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly (or any occlusive moisturiser) or antibiotic ointment (such as bacitracin) to the affected area until the skin heals.
  • For four weeks, avoid aggressive facial treatments such as tretinoin or glycolic acid, as well as any topical products that may cause irritation for six weeks after treatment.
  • Don't smoke. Smoking slows the healing process.
After healing:
  • After healing, protect your newly laser-resurfaced skin with a daily broad-spectrum (screens both ultraviolet B and ultraviolet A rays) sunscreen. A sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 should be selected for use on the face.
  • Apply moisturiser on a daily basis, as directed by your doctor.

Frequently Asked questions about Face and Body Rejuvenation

Among the most popular objectives for face rejuvenation are: Restore your face's shape and volume. Diminish the visibility of hollows and wrinkles beneath the eyes. Fix sagging brows and wrinkles on the forehead.

These are six methods for drawing firm skin.
  • Firming Cream. A firming lotion with retinoids is a fantastic option.
  • Supplements
  • Work Out
  • Exercise
  • Massage the area
  • Cosmetic Procedures
For instance, whereas neurotoxic treatments typically last for three to four months, dermal fillers can yield benefits that endure for up to eighteen months at a time. Peel treatments and facials can occasionally take up to three months each, or many weeks.
Some people fear that people would notice that they underwent surgery because their faces will appear stretched out or because they will be clearly visible. The outcome, according to her, will seem natural if the procedure is done correctly. It will remain a secret to all.
They assume that recovery will take six weeks, yet for most people, it only takes ten to fourteen days.

Important Tags

  • Face and body rejuvenation
  • Advanced face and body rejuvenation
  • Customized face and body rejuvenation
  • Enhanced face and body rejuvenation
  • Precision face and body rejuvenation
  • Effective face and body rejuvenation
  • Comprehensive face and body rejuvenation
  • Personalized face and body rejuvenation
  • Innovative face and body rejuvenation
  • Specialized face and body rejuvenation
  • Optimal face and body rejuvenation
  • Unique face and body rejuvenation
  • State-of-the-art face and body rejuvenation
  • Safe face and body rejuvenation
  • Natural-looking face and body rejuvenation
  • Transformational face and body rejuvenation
  • Expert face and body rejuvenation
  • High-quality face and body rejuvenation
  • Advanced techniques for face and body rejuvenation
  • Specialist face and body rejuvenation

Important Tags

  • Revolutionary face and body rejuvenation
  • Modern face and body rejuvenation
  • Non-invasive face and body rejuvenation
  • Minimally invasive face and body rejuvenation
  • Enhanced recovery face and body rejuvenation
  • Individualized face and body rejuvenation
  • Artistic face and body rejuvenation
  • Top-rated face and body rejuvenation
  • Premium face and body rejuvenation
  • Experienced face and body rejuvenation
  • Advanced technology for face and body rejuvenation
  • Proven face and body rejuvenation
  • Specialist-led face and body rejuvenation
  • Targeted face and body rejuvenation
  • Leading-edge face and body rejuvenation
  • Custom-tailored face and body rejuvenation
  • Scientifically-backed face and body rejuvenation
  • World-class face and body rejuvenation
  • Modernized face and body rejuvenation
  • Cutting-edge face and body rejuvenation

Important Tags

  • Global leader in face and body rejuvenation
  • Innovative solutions for face and body rejuvenation
  • Compassionate face and body rejuvenation
  • Exceptional face and body rejuvenation
  • Unmatched face and body rejuvenation
  • Pioneering face and body rejuvenation
  • Expertly crafted face and body rejuvenation
  • Industry-leading face and body rejuvenation
  • Reputable face and body rejuvenation
  • Proven results with face and body rejuvenation
  • Minimally scarring face and body rejuvenation
  • Fast recovery face and body rejuvenation
  • Personalized care for face and body rejuvenation
  • Safe and effective face and body rejuvenation
  • Advanced techniques in face and body rejuvenation
  • Exemplary face and body rejuvenation
  • Professional face and body rejuvenation
  • Leading provider of face and body rejuvenation
  • Customized treatment plans for face and body rejuvenation
  • Revolutionizing face and body rejuvenation