Best Breast Lift in London

BREAST LIFT/ BREAST MASTOPEXY surgical procedure where the breast is hitched or lifted up because it is too droopy. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped. The goals of surgical therapy are to restore normal contour and size and to do so with a minimal amount of visible scars. A breast Mastopexy might also boost your self-image and self-confidence.

Breast Mastopexy is done to

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the ligaments that support your breasts might stretch as your breasts get fuller and heavier. This stretching might contribute to sagging breasts after pregnancy - whether or not you breast-feed your baby.
  • Weight fluctuations. Changes in your weight can cause your breast skin to stretch and lose elasticity.
  • Gravity. Over time, gravity causes ligaments in the breasts to stretch and sag.

Breast Mastopexy is performed under a general anaesthetic and usually with a one night stay in hospital. You are marked out before the operation, and it is designed on the pattern of a breast reduction technique. The breast tissue or gland is also reshaped in an effort to produce greater projection and an overall more rounded look.

Preparing for your Breast Mastopexy Surgery

A breast Mastopexy isn't for everyone. If you're considering pregnancy at any point in the future, you might delay getting a breast lift. During pregnancy your breasts could stretch and offset the results of the lift.

It is important to share the current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you're taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you've had. To determine your treatment options, the doctor will examine your breasts - including the position of your nipples and areolae. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits, including scarring and changes in nipple or breast sensation.

You should ideally stop smoking 6 weeks prior to surgery and stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements before surgery. You may need preoperative tests prior to surgery, which we will arrange if requireds.


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Things to avoid before Breast Mastopexy

Your plastic surgeon would recommend you some specific instructions before the procedure of breast mastopexy include:

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid certain medications
  • When to take your prescribed medications
  • Arrange for help during recovery
  • Restrictions regarding eating and drinking the night before surgery
  • Be at a healthy weight
Breast Mastopexy Lifespan

In some patient the breast lift result last for over 15 years while others may want minor revisions only after a few years. For long lasting results from a typical breast lift surgery depends on many factors such as genetics, age, health, dietary habits, as well as surgical techniques. On average, breast lift results last for 10 to 15 years.

You will see Mr Mobinulla, Consultant Plastic Surgeon for a consultation which will involve an examination of the breast. Then he will go through the different techniques available for treatment and what will give you the desired result. If you are interested in breast mastopexy(uplift) surgery, contact our surgeon at thelondonhealthclinic.

Benefits of a Breast Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Some benefits of breast lift surgery to achieve a better breast appearance.

  • A Firmer Breast Appearance- A Breast lift is a procedure that improves the firmness of breasts. Women feel their breasts have been affected negatively after pregnancy. Breast lift surgery enables women to get their breasts in the proper size and shape.
  • Rejuvenates Your Look- If your drooping nipples point downward, then breast lift surgery helps you to reposition your nipples in their proper position. A breast lift is a procedure that can reposition your nipples, make them more visible and make your breasts look younger.
  • Improves Your Physical Health- A breast lift is a great way to improve your physical and emotional health. This procedure can reduce excess weight on your chest, reshape your breast tissue, leading to less back and neck pain. It also gets rid of skin irritation beneath your breasts.
  • Improves the Appearance of Your Breasts- Breast lift is a cosmetic procedure that can help you achieve the perfect breast size and shape and also boost your self-esteem. The procedure improves the appearance of your breasts by tightening sagging skin around your breasts, making your nipples stand out, and reshaping your breasts to make a woman feel good about her breasts and body as a whole.
  • Reduced under breast Irritation- Sagging breasts can cause skin irritation that can be caused by excess skin. Breast reduction can alleviate the rashes, chafing and infections due to large breasts.
How long is recovery after Breast Mastopexy?

After the breast mastopexy operation, most patients take at least two weeks off work depending on their job. Your breasts will be sore and swollen for a few weeks after the operation. Do not lift heavy things for several weeks, and avoid sex for at least two weeks. It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for the breasts to achieve their final shape.

Risk and potential complications of Breast Mastopexy

Any surgery poses a certain amount of complications and risks. The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal, and you'll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and the risk and complications are acceptable.

Breast Lift Complications associated with Mastopexy Surgery

  • Scars- There will be scars from the surgery. These will usually be red at first, then purple, and then fade to become paler over 12 to 18 months.
  • Bleeding- Heavy bleeding is unusual but possible, and you may need a blood transfusion or another operation (or both) to stop the bleeding. Any bleeding usually happens immediately after, or soon after, surgery.
  • Infection- If you get an infection of the wound you may need antibiotics or another operation. If you have discharge from your nipple, it is important to tell your surgeon about it as this can increase the risk of infection.
  • Swelling, bruising and pain- There will be some swelling and bruising of the breasts after the operation, and this can take weeks to settle.
  • Seroma- This is where fluid collects in the breast. That fluid may need to be drained by having a needle through the skin, or by having another operation. This can affect the final result of the surgery.
  • Healing problems - The edges of the wound can come apart, particularly at the ends of the scar. Usually this problem can be put right by dressing the wounds, but you may need more surgery to remove the tissue that has not healed. Smokers are more likely to have healing problems.
  • Increased or reduced sensation - After the surgery, most patients will get some changes in the sensation in their breasts, most commonly numbness near the scar and either increased or reduced sensation in the nipples. In rare cases, the change in sensation may be permanent. Rarely, reduced sensation can cause problems with breastfeeding.
  • Change over time - The appearance of your breasts will change as a result of ageing, pregnancy or other circumstances not related to your surgery, such as putting on or losing weight. You may need further surgery or other treatments to maintain the results of the breast uplift.
  • Allergic reactions -Rarely, allergic reactions to tape, stitches or solutions have been reported. If you have an allergic reaction you may need extra treatment.
  • Asymmetry -This is where the breasts are not symmetrical. There may be irregularities at the end of the scars. These may improve with time, or you may need a small operation to correct them.
  • Post operative activities
    • After a breast lift, your breasts will likely be covered with gauze and a surgical support bra.
    • Normal daily activities like driving etc are allowed after the first week.
    • Body exercises can be resumed from 6 week onwards.

    What to expect from the procedure of breast lift

    When undergoing a breast lift procedure at London Health Clinics, you can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach to your breast lift. Here's what you can anticipate from your breast lift procedure:

    • Initial Consultation: During your initial consultation, our skilled surgeons will assess your unique needs, discuss your goals, and make a personalized treatment plan to achieve optimal results. We'll thoroughly explain the procedure, including potential risks and benefits, so you can make an informed decision.
    • Customized Treatment Plan: Based on your individual needs and goals, our surgeons will create a customized treatment plan to address your specific concerns. Whether you require skin tightening, fat removal, or muscle repositioning, we will outline the steps involved in your breast lift procedure to ensure you are fully informed and comfortable with the process.
    • Procedure:On the day of your breast lift surgery, you'll be greeted by our caring staff and guided through the pre-operative preparations. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced surgical team will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
    • Recovery Period: Following the surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which are typical after-effects. Our team will provide detailed post-operative instructions and support to facilitate a smooth recovery process. Regular follow-up appointments will allow us to monitor your progress and address any concerns along the way.

    Ultimately, a breast lift procedure at London Health Clinics promises not only enhanced physical appearance but also renewed confidence and self-esteem. Trust our expertise and dedication to provide exceptional care and results that exceed your expectations. Click here to schedule your consultation today to begin your journey towards a more youthful and confident you.

    Frequently Asked questions about Breast Lift Surgery

    The female breast undergoes enlargement during pregnancy and lactation and due to weight gain. It subsequently undergoes involution once breast-feeding stops or weight loss occurs. As a result of this the breast decreases in size, the skin becomes lax, stretch marks appear and the breast becomes saggy in appearance. The upper part of the breast appears hollow due to loss of volume and appears unattractive.
    Breast ptosis can be corrected by a procedure called mastopexy which involves removal of excess slack skin and repositioning of the breast tissue and nipple resulting in a more youthful appearance of the breast.
    A mastopexy is carried out under a general anaesthetic and usually involves one night in hospital. Following the operation a tube drain may be placed within the breast to remove any fluid or blood that collects after surgery. This tube drain is removed one or two days after surgery and the patient is allowed to go home. Most patients are able to shower daily and replace their own dressings at home.
    Just like any other operation mastopexy(Breast-lift) has its own complications such as bleeding, haematoma (blood clot in the substance of the breast), infection, delayed wound healing, visible or unfavourable scars, minor asymmetry in size, shape or position of the scars and loss of sensation in parts of the breast or the nipple. These complications are relatively unusual. Sometimes patients may require a small secondary revision procedure approximately 1 year following surgery.
    Results from a breast lift should last a typical lady 10 to 15 years. Individual results can differ greatly, though, because there are numerous factors that influence how long the results last.
    Your incisions will hurt for a few months, and they will be pink or red. You may experience numbness in your breast skin, areolae, and nipples for around six weeks. As directed by your physician, take pain medication in the initial days following a breast lift.
    Despite the generally high level of safety associated with breast lift surgery, but there is always a chance of problems. Throughout the recovery process, your surgeon and care team will keep in touch with you and are accessible to address any worries you may have. The following are risks unique to breast lift surgery: momentary numbness.
    Your surgeon cannot ensure that the outcome of your surgery won't be adversely affected by a subsequent pregnancy. You should be aware that following a breast lift, your breasts may naturally change following pregnancy. A breast lift cannot prevent these changes.
    Skin incisions are necessary for a breast lift, just as for any other operation. Scarring is a possibility after an incision because it's the skin's natural healing mechanism. Nonetheless, there are techniques to reduce scarring before to, during, and following a breast lift.
    Do nothing but simple housework and leisurely walks throughout the first seven days. Avoid heavy lifting and hard activity. Once a week has passed, gradually increase the distance or speed of your walks, but be cautious not to overdo it.

Important Tags

  • Breast Lift Surgery
  • Breast Lift Procedure
  • Breast Lift Techniques
  • Breast Lift Recovery
  • Breast Lift Cost
  • Breast Lift Before and After
  • Breast Lift Consultation
  • Breast Lift Candidates
  • Breast Lift Risks
  • Breast Lift Benefits
  • Breast Lift Incisions
  • Breast Lift Scars
  • Breast Lift Results
  • Breast Lift Types
  • Breast Lift and Implants
  • Breast Lift with Augmentation
  • Breast Lift with Reduction
  • Breast Lift with Liposuction
  • Breast Lift Recovery Time
  • Breast Lift Surgery Near Me

  • Important Tags

  • Breast Lift Specialist
  • Breast Lift Clinic
  • Breast Lift Anesthesia
  • Breast Lift After Weight Loss
  • Breast Lift After Pregnancy
  • Breast Lift for Sagging Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Asymmetry
  • Breast Lift for Small Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Large Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Drooping Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Older Women
  • Breast Lift for Younger Women
  • Breast Lift for Perkier Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Firmer Breasts
  • Breast Lift for Natural Results
  • Breast Lift for Enhanced Cleavage
  • Breast Lift for Improved Shape
  • Breast Lift for Enhanced Contours
  • Breast Lift for Self-Confidence
  • Breast Lift Surgeon

  • Important Tags

  • Breast Lift for Body Image
  • Breast Lift for Emotional Well-Being
  • Breast Lift for Health Reasons
  • Breast Lift for Aesthetic Goals
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Youthfulness
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Perkiness
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Symmetry
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Balance
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Proportion
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Confidence
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Comfort
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Sensuality
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Femininity
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Beauty
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Satisfaction
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Happiness
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Quality of Life
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Well-Being
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Normalcy
  • Breast Lift for Restoring Appearance